WAFER a door towards the 


Inside each of us, a rich symposium of voices constantly debates, with the aim of always reaching the "most convenient" decision. Satisfaction of need remains the goal, deception sometimes a permissible means. With a good deal of effort, determined curiosity, a little time, and even a little luck, through WAFER and a few instructions, you might interrogate an aspect of your unconscious.


Dentro ad ognuno di noi un ricco simposio di voci costantemente discute, con lo scopo di raggiungere sempre la decisione "più conveniente". La soddisfazione del bisogno rimane la meta, l'inganno, talvolta, un mezzo lecito. Con un bel po' di impegno, una decisa curiosità, un po' di tempo, ed anche un po' di fortuna, attraverso WAFER e poche istruzioni, potreste interrogare un aspetto del vostro inconscio.

Help yourself -->

"Climate Change"

How "green" are you?, how positive and truly sustainable is your unconscious attitude toward the environment?

"Gender Violence"

How much do you, in your subconscious, accept gender-based violence against women? Each of us is composed of a conscious identity and an unconscious, sometimes more primitive expression of the social norms we are exposed to.


We are all afraid of the Dark Lady. But how much of this attitude and aversion is unconscious, and how much is a cultural construct within each of us?

"Vaccine Hesitancy"

What are vaccines for you? What "endogenous" and "unconscious" reactions do they evoke in you? How much of your attitude (attraction/repulsion) is unconscious?


How accepted are you by your unconscious? How genuinely positive is your unconscious attitude towards yourself, rather than being an 'obstacle' to deal with