Psicologia dei gruppi 17-18

NB: Per accedere alle informazioni generali dei corsi, temporaneamente, utilizzare i link seguenti:

Psicologia dei Gruppi e delle Relazioni Sociali (a.a. 2016-2017 identico a quello 2017-2018)

Contatti per attività sperimentale:

Experiment 1:

Dr.ssa Viola Filindassi -

Dr.ssa Silvia Grasso -

Dr.ssa Sara Panerati -

Experiment 2:

Dr.ssa Eleonora Coleschi -

Theoretical Lessons (Part 1):

Lesson I: An introduction to the group dynamics (1)

Lesson II: An introduction to the group dynamics(2)

Lesson III: Studying Groups

Lesson IV: Inclusion and Identity

Lesson V: Formation

Lesson VI: Cohesion and Development

Lesson VII: Structure

Lesson VIII: Influence

Lesson IX: Power

Lesson X: Leadership

Lesson XI: Performance

Lesson XII: Decision Making

Lesson XIII: Teams

Lesson XIV: Conflict

Lesson XV: Intergroup Relations

Lesson XVI: Groups in Context

Lesson XVII: Groups and Change

Experimental activity (Part 2):

Lesson XVIII: From cognition to social simulation

Lesson XIX: Research in group dynamics

Lesson XX: Community detection

Lesson XXI: Epidemic Modeling

Lesson XXII: The virtual settings

Lesson XXIII: Reputation dynamics

Lesson XXIV: Collective Intelligence

Lesson XXV: Group reasoning

Lesson XXVI: Crowd dynamics: Online information seeking dynamics

Lesson XXVII: Social influence: new perspectives

Lesson XXVIII: Personality, Selfand Identity (I)

Lesson XXIX: Personality, Selfand Identity (II)

Lesson XXX: Constructing the Self in a Digital World

Lesson XXXI: Self Disclosure, Privacy and the Internet

Lesson XXXII: Understanding the On-line behaviour