Scientific research
The VirtHuLab research laboratory carries out the following scientific activities:
Basic scientific research concerning the psycho and neurophysiology of virtual experience.
Basic scientific research concerning the fundamental cognitive and psychosocial dynamics of virtual environments (e.g., self-impression, self-development, group decision making and collective intelligence, opinion dynamics).
Observational and correlational research through virtual environments, concerning the psychosocial dynamics fundamental to the validation of experimental evidence.
Research-intervention in public sector organizations on topics of interest.
VirtHuLab's skills and previous experiences allow its scholars to evaluate the usability of devices and web platforms, using psychological and neuropsychological models. Furthermore, VirtHuLab has already successfully implemented strategies able to improve the perceptive and cognitive ergonomics of new technologies involving human-machine interactions. For its research Virthulab also uses neuropsychological tools, such as:
PupilCore (Pupillometer): through which it is possible to obtain pupil dilation, blinks, fixation points, etc. from one or both eyes.
Neurosky Mindwave Mobile 2 - a wireless helmet for electroencephalography, through which it is possible to obtain 8 brain frequencies.
Eye tracking devices.
Virthulab has developed algorithms for automatic recognition of facial expressions, virtual environments for psychological and neuropsychological assessment, together with procedures for psychological, neuropsychological rehabilitation and cyber-therapy.
The laboratory is also developing webapps and virtual platforms such as Cardiodiario, in collaboration with the national center for cardiomyopathies, BadiAMO, VARP Ambiente, VARP Migranti and Virthulab Care.