Archive talks

Past talks

18-02-2025  Title: - "Fear of Missing Out and Alcohol Use in Adolescents: A Systematic Literature Review" Type: Original research - Author:  Dr. ssa Sofia Fabbri

11-02-2025  Title: - "Implicit Association and Violence against women: a systematic literature review" Type: Original research - Author:  Dr. ssa Giulia Travagli

04-02-2025  Title: - "Obsessive compulsive trait and social media addiction: a systematic literature review" Type: Original research - Author:  Dr. ssa Chiara Tredici Belliti

28-01-2025  Title: - "Children's humor: a systematic review" Type: Original research - Author:  Dr. ssa Martina Prissinotti

21-01-2025  Title: - "Virtual Reality for Vaccine Hesitancy: a systematic Literature Review" Type: Original research - Author:  Dr. ssa Ludovica Mori

14-01-2025  Title: - "Telepresence and social connectedness: a systematic review" Type: Original research - Author:  Dr. ssa Viola Violi

17-12-2024  Title: - "Flow experience and social media addiction: a systematic review of the literature" Type: Original research - Author:  Dr. Luca Bonasera.

10-12-2024  Title: - "Proteus effect and deindividuation: a complex relationship" Type: Original research - Author:  Dr.ssa Virginia Vannucchi.

03-12-2024  Title: - "The complex association between Social Anxiety and Interpretive Bias: a systematic literature review" Type: Original research - Author:  Dr.ssa Ilenia Marini.

19-11-2024  Title: - "The phenomenon of Football Referee Drop Out " Type: Original research - Author:  Dr. Jonathan Cornello.

28-05-2024  Title: - "Internet Locus of Control and Social network: a complex relationship " Type: Original research - Author:  Dr. Simone Basili.

21-05-2024  Title: - " Digital Life Balance in the Relationship between Psychopathological Symptomatology and Online Addictions: Correlation and Mediation Analyses " Type: Original research - Author:  Dr.ssa Veronica Zagaglia.

30-04-2024  Title: - " Opinion dynamics from Sociophysics to Agent-Based Modelling " Type: Original research - Author:  Dr. Daniele Vilone.

09-04-2024  Title: - "Dual-process theories of thought as potential frameworks for constructing neuro-symbolic AI models.  " Type: Future research - Author:  Prof. Giorgio Gronchi.

26-03-2024  Title: - "Retributive vs Compensatory justice: the impact of emotions " Type: Original research - Author:  Dott.ssa  Emma D'Annibale.

12-03-2024  Title: - "Validation of a new A.I. based eye-tracking model for real time monitoring of sustained attention in virtual environments " Type: Original research - Author:  Dott.ssa  Martina Uccheddu.

05-03-2024  Title: - "Technology-based interventions for bullying and cyberbullying: a systematic review and new proposal  " Type: Original research - Author:  Dott.ssa  Elena Serritella.

27-02-2024  Title: - "Development and first data for the validation of a brand new measure of Pro-Environmental Behaviors (PEBs) " Type: Original research - Author:  Dott.ssa  Francesca Romana Cremonese.

23-01-2024     Title: - " Online compulsive buying behavior and personality: a systematic review of literature " Type:Original research - Author:  Dott.ssa  Emma Vanni.

09-01-2024     Title: - " Towards a new experiment to investigate the relationship between depersonalization and visual attention   " Type: Original research - Author:  Dott.ssa  Alessandra Felice. 

19-12-2023     Title: - " Influence of motor and cognitive tasks on time estimation  " Type: Original research - Author:  Dott.ssa  Alessandra Biondi.

28-11-2023     Title: - " Escape from Reality: a PRISMA systematic review of the relationship between Escapism and Social Media Addiction. " Type: Original research - Author:  Dott.ssa  Anna Vittoria Ivan.

07-11-2023     Title: - " Social Actors in Technological Environments: Research at Emerging Technologies Lab  " Type: Original research - Author:  Prof.  Atte Oksanen - The Tampere University, Finland.

24-10-2023     Title: - "Insights from Eyetracking: Online Eyetracking System and Study on Matching Pairs Game " Type: Research  Articles - Author: Dr. Can Gursesli  

17-10-2023     Title: - "Nature Connectedness" and "Pro-Environmental Behaviors": a systematic review. Type: original research - Author: Dott.ssa  Giulia Valdrighi 

27-06-2023     Title: - "Digital storytelling” and well-being: the earliest data produced by an App used for the long care and treatment of chronic patients ". Type: original research - Author: Dott.ssa  Giulia Bindi 

20-06-2023     Title: - "CardioDiario: initial data for the validation of an ICT tool to evaluate the quality of the doctor-patient relation ". Type: original research - Author: Dott.ssa  Samira Fei

06-06-2023     Title: - " Gaming motivation: assessing a new tool to measure psychological motivations to play videogames ". Type: original research - Author: Dott.ssa  Alessia Martucci

23-05-2023     Title: - "Touch the future: from the origins to the new frontiers of wearable devices ( the concept of the project)". Type: original research - Authors: Dott.ssa  Diletta Pucci e Dr. Matteo Ascente 

16-05-2023     Title: - "Touch the future: from the origins to the new frontiers of wearable devices ". Type: original research - Authors: Dott.ssa  Diletta Pucci e Dr. Matteo Ascente

09-05-2023     Title: - "FoMO and Big Five: a systematic review of the literature about the influence of personality on anxiety about missing social events.  ". Type: original research - Author: Dott.ssa  Aurora Salvi 

02-05-2023     Title: - "Dark Triad and Loneliness: a systematic review of literature ". Type: original research - Author: Dott.ssa  Laura Taddei 

21-03-2023     Title: - "A systematic review of the relationship between Hikikomori and Autism". Type: original research-  Author: Dott.ssa Manuela Pellegrino

27-02-2023     Title: - "Sexting motivation: a systematic literature review". Type: original research-  Author: Dott.ssa Giada Bidini

13-02-2023     Title: - "The relationship between likes and self-esteem: a literature review". Type: original research-  Author: Dr. Lapo Bartelli

16-01-2023     Title: -  "Connectedness to Nature  e atteggiamenti ambientali:  una revisione sistematica".  Type: original research-  Author: Dott.ssa Martina Bellotti

19-12-2022     Title: - Dark triad and Sensation Seeking: a systematic review ”   Type: original research-  Author: Dr. Andrea Carioti

12-12-2022     Title: - Emotional dependance and use of social media: a systematic review”   Type: original research-  Author: Dott. ssa Bianca Balò

14-11-2022     Title: - The phantom morality: the morality perception at the time o A.I.”   Type: original research-  Author: Dott. ssa Cristiana Angelini

07-11-2022     Title:  -  Social media e benessere: implicazioni sanitarie del confronto socialeType: original research-  Author:   Dr.ssa federica masti  

24-10-2022     Title:  -  Multimedia and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderType: original research-  Author:   Dr.ssa Anna Maria Monciatti   

17-10-2022      Title:  -  “ Euristica della comunicazione e COVID-19: un approccio sperimentale ” Type: original research-  Author:   Dott. Giacomo Barbagallo  

10-10-2022     Title:  -  Understanding vaccination fear in the italian populationType: original research-  Author:   Dott. Mirko Duradoni  

03-10-2022     Title:  -  WHAT WENT WRONG? predictors of contact tracing adoption in Italy during the Covid-19 pandemic”   Type: original research-  Author:   Dott.ssa Maria Martina Fiorenza

21-06-2022     Title:  -  The “Cybervictimization Emotional Impact Scale”: validazione della versione italiana ”   Type: original research-  Author:   Dott.ssa Elena Matteoni

14-06-2022     Title:  -  "Psychological impact of remote working: a preliminary investigation Type: original research-  Author:   Dott.ssa  Claudia Avolio

06-06-2022     Title:  -  "Apprendimento gamificato in ambienti virtuali e pensiero critico: uno studio esplorativo"   Type: original research-  Author:   Dott.ssa Irene Cerri

24-05-2022     Title:  -  " Online real self-disclosure: cooperative vs  competitive settings  Type: original research-  Author:   Dott.ssa  Emma Stefani

17-05-2022     Title:  -  On-line fake news: the effect of moral acceptability and actor's status ”   Type: original research-  Author:   Dott. Bernardo Tempesti

10-05-2022     Title:  -  " Organ donation: knowing to help. The main factors that affect donation by living subjects and by families once the patient's brain death is ascertained  Type: original research-  Author:   Dott.ssa Franca Paola Severino

03-05-2022     Title:  -  Fomsumerism: first data for the development of a new psychological scale ”  Type: original research-  Author:   Dott.ssa Clara Capuzzi

26-04-2022     Title:  -  " Attraction and Generetional Cohorts: a complex relation  Type: original research-  Author:  Dott. Tommaso Locorotondo

19-04-2022     Title:  -  Online fandoms and wellbeing: towards a complex modelling  ”   Type: original research-  Author:   Dr. Urvija Bhargava

05-04-2022     Title:  -  Psychological and Perceptive Changes in the Italian Population during the COVID-19 Pandemic ”   Type: opportunities -  Author:   Dott.ssa Lorena Marotta

29-03-2022     Title:  -  " Countering fake news: the role of serious games "   Type: opportunities -  Author:   Dott.ssa Emma Tedeschi

07-03-2022     Title:  -  Smartphone as a Self extension  ”   Type: opportunities -  Author:   Dott. Alessio Petri

28-02-2022     Title:  -  Social media engagement scale. Preliminary data for the Italian validation ”   Type: opportunities -  Author:   Dr. Federico Innocenti

17-02-2022     Title: - Enjoying finance: how hedonic motivation affects e-banking usage”  Type: Opportunities-  Author:  Dr. Alessio Licata

07-02-2022     Title: - Game based learning and gamification”  Type: Opportunities-  Author:  Dr. Alan Mattiassi

31-01-2022     Title: - When Italians Follow the Rules against COVID Infection: A Psychological Profile for Compliance”.  Type: Opportunities-  Author:  Dr. Maria Martina Fiorenza

24-01-2022     Title: - Readiness to change: Commitment and Perceived Readiness”  Type: Opportunities-  Author:  Dr. Lisa Aiazzi

17-01-2022     Title: - A Cross-Cultural Comparison Study: Effects of Personality Traits and Motivation on Video Game Preferences. Player-Based Web Platform: Developing Emotion Recognition Tool to Evaluate Psychological Prodromes and Fatigue on Gamers”  Type: Opportunities-  Author:  Dr. Can Mustafa Gursesli

10-01-2022     Title: - Parenting styles and social media usage: the state of the art”  Type: Opportunities-  Author:  Dr. Giorgia Terranova

22-12-2021     Title: - Reward Mechanisms and their Ethical Implications. Why Should We Care, and What Shall We Do?”  Type: Opportunities-  Author:  Dr. Tommaso Barbetta (Tokyo University)

20-12-2021     Title: - Analysis of suicidal risk factors in female prison experience”  Type: Opportunities-  Author:  Dr. Rebecca Parigini

13-12-2021     Title: - Psychological variables related to football passion”  Type: Opportunities-  Author:  Dr. Marta Villen

06-12-2021     Title: - Obsessive compulsive disorder and cybertherapy: the state of the art”  Type: State of the art-  Author:  Dr. Sara Pratesi

30-11-2021     Title: - “Ongoing research by VirtHuLab”  Type: Opportunities-  Author:  Dr. Mirko Duradoni

22-11-2021     Title: - Physical isolation and eating disorders: a complex relationship”  Type: State of the art-  Author:  Dr. Francesca Potenti

15-11-2021     Title: - Eye tracking methods for emotion detection: the state of the artType: State of the art-  Author:  Dr. Daniele Tirinnanzi

08-11-2021     Title: - Programming is a game: the role of Gamification in programming learning".  Type: State of the art-  Author:  Dr. Margherita Nannetti

18-10-2021     Title: - The psychology of the influencer: the state of the artType: State of the art-  Author:  Dr. Morelli claudia

12-10-2021     Title: - Sanction and fairness in good dilemma: between real and virtual environments”  Type: State of the art-  Author:  Dr. Luca Lollini

29-06-2021     Title: - COVID-19: A new 21st century social dilemmaType: State of the art-  Author:  Dr. Salvatore Lovaglio

15-06-2021     Title: - After voluntary termination of pregnancy: psychological impact on women, men and relationshipType: State of the art-  Author:  Dr. Noemi Sarti

08-06-2021     Title: - Virtual Environments against prejudice: the state of the artType: State of the art-  Author:  Dr.  Giovanni Caramanna

01-06-2021     Title: - Gamifield interventions towards migrants' perception changingType: State of the art-  Author:  Dr.  Ranieri Salvini

25-05-2021     Title: - The feedback seeking behavior online: the state of the artType: State of the art-  Author:  Dr.  Lorenzo Cappelli

18-05-2021     Title: - Ritualized Moral Violation: the way of moral changeType: State of the art-  Author:  Dr.Elisabetta Frega 

11-05-2021     Title: - A cognitive model for predicting opinions"  Type: Original research-  Author: Prof. Franco Bagnoli

27-04-2021     Title: - "Virtual Action Research Platform (varp) for immigrants perception"  Type: original research - Author: Dr.ssa Margherita Tani

20-04-2021     Title: - Obsessive compulsive disorder and virtual environments: a complex relationshipType: original research-  Author:  Dr. Virginia Bianchi

13-04-2021     Title: - Implicit and cognitive components of Readiness to Change: an assessment in virtual environmentsType: original research-  Author:  Dr. Martina La Gamma

06-04-2021     Title: -Cyberostracism: dependencies and outcomes of ostracism in a virtual environment"  - Type: State of the Art - Author: Dr. Elisa Feniello

30-03-2021     Title: - Looking for an emotional profile of phubber and problematic smartphone usersType: original research-  Author:  Dr. Tommaso Raimondi

16-03-2021     Title: - Workplace Gossip: A literature reviewType: State of the Art-  Author:  Dr. Sara Fappani

09-03-2021     Title: - Avatar Therapy for treating refractory auditory hallucinationsType: State of the Art-  Author:  Dr. Veronica Zagaglia

02-03-2021     Title: - Role Playing And Social Anxiety: The State of the artType: state of the art-  Author:  Alice Porri

23-02-2021     Title: - Digital Life Balance: first data for validationType: original research -  Author:  Edoardo Mulattiero

16-02-2021     Title: - "Sexting and Well-Being: a new panorama in sexual behavior"  Type: original research - Author: Dr.ssa Costanza Scaffai

09-02-2021     Title: - Gamification in the staff engagement processType: original research-  Author:  Dr. Andrea Ammirabile

02-02-2021     Title: - Social Network & Well Being: Towards a complex modelingType: original research-  Author:  Dr. Silvia Paoli Fichera

26-01-2021     Title: - "Disability Representation in Advertising: the Parents' Glance" Type: original research - Author: Dr. Margherita lisi    

19-01-2021     Title: -Online Locus of Control: towards a new model" Type: original research - Author: Dr. Sara Meacci    

12-01-2021     Title: -From resistance to change to 'Implicit readiness to change'. The assessment in virtual environments" Type: original research - Author: Dr. Elena Serritella       

22-12-2020     Title: - "Social media community-related uses and local community experience" Type: original research - Author: Dr. Flora Gatti 

15-12-2020     Title: - "Recent research on the knowledge illusion" Type: original research - Author: Dr. Giorgio Gronchi

01-12-2020     Title: - Phd MeterType: European Project-  Author: dr. Paola Andrea Russo   

24-11-2020     Title: - Preventing violent radicalization in europe" - Type:  Pre-recordered Interview - Author: Prof.ssa Patrizia Meringolo &  Dr. Maria Martina Fiorenza

03-11-2020     Title: - Presence, virtual reality and analgesiaType: State of the Art-  Author:  Dr. Ermelinda Hoti. 

27-10-2020     Title: - Antisocial internet behaviours: towards a psychological profilingType: State of the Art-  Author:  Dr. Sara Febert.

06-10-2020     Title: - "Image Memory Test"  Type: original research - Author: Dr. Salvatore Buonicontro

29-09-2020     Title: - Before and after the pandemic: the psychological impact of Covid-19 0n the Italian population during the lockdown periodType: Original Research -  Author:  Dr.ssa Lorena Marotta

22-09-2020     Title: - Virtual Reality & Psycho-Oncology: a literature reviewType: Original Research -  Author:  Dr.ssa Giulia Di Carlantonio. 

15-09-2020     Title: - Between affective arousal and phantom emotions: the role of Internet Locus of ControlType: Original Research -  Author:  Dr. Gabriele Panerai. 

28-07-2020     Title: - From technology ethics to morality of things: a psychological perspectiveType: Original Research -  Author:  Dr.ssa Erica Mancini.

21-07-2020     Title: - Virtual Environments Hangover: Immersive Virtual Reality and CybersicknessType: Original Research -  Author:  Dr.ssa Veronica Gerbi. 

15-07-2020     Title: - Risk Perception in the web age: the state of the art ”.  Type: Original Research  - Author:  Dr. Alessio Magnolfi. 

07-07-2020     Title: - "Virtual reality in the interventions and "care" of Alzheimer's disease"  Type: Original Research  - Author: Dr.ssa Marilena Casale

30-06-2020      Title: - Pronto badante: a web application for social support of caregivers and elder people ”.  Type: Original Research  - Author:  Dr.ssa Federica Stefanelli. 

23-06-2020     Title: - Human heuristics and epidemicsType: State of the art - Author:  Prof. Franco Bagnoli. 

16-06-2020     Title: - Automatic detection of emotional activation: first data for the validation of an experimental measurement protocol tacticsType: Original Research -  Author:  Dr. ssa Simona Magi. 

09-06-2020     Title: - Emotional dissonance in virtual environment: an experimental verificationType: Original Research -  Author:  Dr.ssa  Natasha Rossetti. 

26-05-2020     Title: - Effectiveness of a lexical training on the acquisition of spelling in Italian and Chinese first-grade childrenType: Original Research - Author:  Dr.ssa Federica Stefanelli. 

19-05-2020     Title: - Diffusion of social dynamics in mugello: a case of newsType: Original Research -  Author:  Dr.ssa  Sofia Pieri. 

12-05-2020     Title: - Online compliance and convertion: an experimental investigationType:  Original Research -  Author:  Dr.ssa Mariasole Rinaldi. 

05-05-2020     Title: - When the group performs better than teammates: Studying the effectiveness of collective intelligence in youngsters and different task typesType: Original Research -  Author:  Dr. Enrico Imbimbo.

28-04-2020     Title: - Leap Motion as a psychological tool: the state of the artType: State of the art - Author:  Dr.ssa Giulia Colombini. 

21-04-2020     Title: - Online violent radicalization: an experimental investigation".  Type: Original Research - Author:  Dr.ssa Clarissa Sabadini.

14-04-2020     Title: - “Attachment Style and Social Network: a complex relationship”.  Type: Original Research - Author:  Dr.ssa Chantal Pimpini.

07-04-2020     Title: - The Internet Locus of Control: towards an experimental evidenceType: Original Research - Author:  Dr. Gioele Salvatori. 

31-03-2020     Title: - Online action research in clinical complex communities: development and preliminary validation of a new tool for cardiological population”.  Type: Original Research -  Author:  Dr.ssa Andrea Pesce.             

24-03-2020     Title: - Towards psychophysioloy of Telepresence: preliminary data from a laboratory experimentType: Original Research - Author:  Dr.ssa Lorena Marotta.             

19-02-2020     Title: - How we perceive robots: a reputational Ultimatum Game approach”.  Type: Original Research - Author:  Dr.ssa Andrea Paola Russo.             

11-02-2020     Title: - The Probabilistic Reversal Learning”.  Type: Original Research - Author:  Dr.ssa Ilaria Colpizzi.             

04-02-2020     Title: - Psychophysiology of the Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR): preliminary data from a laboratory experiment”.  Type: Original Research - Author:  Dr.ssa Chiara Pedrini. 

28-01-2020     Title: - Reading the Mind in Emoji: first data for validation”.  Type: Original Research - Author:  Dr.ssa Maria Martina Fiorenza.         

17-12-2019     Title: - The role of religion in sexual minorities”.  Type: State of art - Author:  Dr.ssa Emma Stefani.             

10-12-2019     Title: - Moral Collective Intelligence: toward a new construct for group psychology”.  Type: State of art - Author:  Dr.ssa Ilaria Fani.             

26-11-2019     Title: - Videogames and violence: a literature review”.  Type: State of art  - Author:  Dr. Enrico Signorini.             

19-11-2019     Title: - "DEMO Leap" - No streaming.             

12-11-2019     Title: - Organ donation: knowing to help. The main factors that affect donation by living subjects and by families once the patient's brain death is ascertained”.  Type: Original Research - Author:  Dr. Franca Paola Severino. 

05-11-2019     Title: - From Real to Digital Personality: a literature review"  Type: Original Research - Author:  Dr. Francesca Romana Cremonese.

31-10-2019     Title: - Why online social regulation may fail: The lack of ambiguity and responsiveness"  Type: Original Research - Author:  Dr. Carla Roos, Groningen University    

29-10-2019     Title: - Political polarization on Twitter"  Type: Original Research - Author:  Dr. Tristram Alexander, Senior Lecturer, School of Physics | Faculty of Science. University of Sydney.    

22-10-2019     Title: - Information acquisition behavior: reflections on eye-tracking application”.  Type: Original Research - Author:  Dr. Wagner Junior Ladeira from the UNISINOS University, Brazil. 

15-10-2019     Title: - In-group bias and age: a complex relationship”.  Type: Original Research - Author:  Dr.ssa Alessandra Micelli (University of Padua)

09-10-2019     Title: - “Structure and Dynamics of Urban Network”.  Type: Original Research - Author:  Dr. Matej Babič (Novo mesto Faculty of Information studies)    

01-10-2019     Title: - Readiness to change: toward an on-line assessment”.  Type: Original Research - Author:  Dr.ssa Laura Brogioni (University of Florence).    

25-06-2019     Title: - Deindividuation and Social Dilemmas in Virtual Environments”.  Type: Original Research - Author:  Dr.ssa Viola Filindassi.

11-06-2019     Title: - “Presentation of Zero Waste app by VirtHuLab”.  Type: Original Research - Author:  VirtHuLab.    

04-06-2019     Title: - From social cognition to sociophysics”.  Type: Original Research - Author:  VirtHuLab.    

28-05-2019     Title: - Presentation of VirtHuLab website”.  Type: opportunities  - Author: Dr.ssa Viola Filindassi, Dr.ssa Valentina PAvan, Dr. Andrea Menconi

14-05-2019     Title: "Perception of science and scientists" - Type: Original Research - Author:  Dr. Nicola Piccardi

07-05-2019     Title: "From Code Development to Psychological Ergonomy: an integrated perspective" - Type: Original Research - Author:  Dr.ssa Valentina Pavan

24-04-2019     Title: "The Emoji Psychology" - Type: State of the Art - Author:  Dr. Giacomo Del Debole

16-04-2019     Title: "Virtual Reality and Autism Spectrum Disorder" - Type: State of the Art - Author:  Dr.ssa Anna Maria Monciatti

02-04-2019     Title: "Gamification and Neuropsychological Rehabilitation" - Type: State of the Art - Author: Dr.ssa Teresa Brandi

25-03-2019     Title: "Indirect reputation effects: human versus borg" - Type: Original Research - Author:  Dr.ssa Chiara Vinchesi

18-03-2019     Title: "The Online Werther Effect" - Type: State of the Art - Author: Dr.ssa Sara Maccioni

12-03-2019     Title: "Neurophysiology of buying behaviours" - Type: State of the Art - Author:  Dr. Vinicius Nardi

04-03-2019     Title: "Empathy and TOM" - Type: State of the Art - Author:  Dr.ssa Martina Valentini

25-02-2019     Title: "Mental Imagery" - Type: State of the Art - Author:  Dr.ssa Caterina Vannucci

11-02-2019     Title: "The Emotional Dissonance"  - Type: Original research  - Author: Dr.ssa Giuditta Becatini

07-02-2019     Title: "Online Personality and Deindividuation: a brand new model of “Deindividuation Susceptibility" - Type: Experimental Research - Author:  Dr.ssa Silvia Grasso

24-01-2019     Title: "The neuropsychological basis of conformism" - Type: State of the Art - Author:  Dr.ssa Sara Panerati

17-01-2019     Title: "Attitude towards science and scientists" - Type: State of the Art - Author:  Dr. Nicola Piccardi

29-11-2018     Title: "Behind the bonder of imagery: a Sport Psychology’s application" - Type: State of the Art - Author:  Dr. Gabriele Costanzo

22-11-2018     Title: "Toward a multidimensional model of collective intelligence: the moral reasoning" - Type: State of the Art - Author:  Dr.ssa Giulia Di Persia

15-11-2018     Title: "The contribution of neuroscience in the study of cooperative dynamics: A brief overview" - Type: State of the Art - Author:  Dr.ssa Stefania Collodi

08-11-2018     Title: "Sociophysics of Influencers" - Type: State of the Art - Author:  Dr. Margherita Moretti

26-10-2018     Title: "The Psychology of Emoji" - Type: State of the Art - Author:  Dr.ssa Maria Martina Fiorenza

18-10-2018     Title: "Collective Intelligence: future perspectives" - Type: State of the Art - Author:  Dr. Gioele Grazi

11-10-2018     Title: "The On-Line Empathy" - Type: State of the Art - Author: Dr.ssa Sara Ceccatelli

04-10-2018     Title: "Intelligence as a Cognitive Synaesthesia" - Type: State of the Art - Author: Dr.ssa Margherita Tani

13-09-2018     Title: "In-group favoritism: a computational model" - Type: Research Paper - Author: Dr. Enrico Imbimbo

06-09-2018     Title: "Health Behaviours: the role of MEDIA in interaction between “Rationality” and “Social Salience”" - Type: Preliminary results - Author: Dr. Stefano Stella, Dr. Ren Manfredi and Prof. Andrea Guazzini

14-06-2018     Title: "Moral Disengagement within virtual environments" - Type: State of the Art - Author: Dr. Gianmarco Donnini

24-05-2018     Title: "Towards a general theory of strategy" - Type: State of the Art - Author: Dr. Andrea Piazzoli

17-05-2018     Title: "The "Affinity System""- Type: State of the Art - Author: Dr.ssa Priscilla Franchi

10-05-2018     Title: "The "Selfies" Phenomenon" - Type: State of the Art - Author: Dr. Mirco Ossani

03-05-2018     Title: "Ego-centered component of a Future "Fake News Model"" - Type: State of the Art - Author: Dr.ssa Eleonora Boccuzzi

26-04-2018     Title: "Towards a resilience model in the sporting context: the handball case" - Type: Preliminary results - Author: Dr.ssa Erika Barbieri

19-04-2018     Title: "mSIDE model: a nonlinear model for deindividuation effects" - Type: Preliminary results - Author: Dr.ssa Sara Panerati

13-04-2018     Title: "Distributed Optimization Handling Nonconvexity and Infinitely Many Constraints" - Type: Seminar in collaboration with  "Sguardi sulla Complessità" - Author: Prof. Francesco Farina

05-04-2018     Title: "Empathy and Online Collective Intelligence: new perspectives" - Type: State of the Art - Author: Dr.ssa Federica Stefanelli

29-03-2018     Title: "Indirect reputation" - Type: State of the Art - Author: Dr.ssa Chiara Vinchesi

22-03-2018     Title: "Online Reputation Dynamics" - Type: State of the Art - Author: Dr.ssa Stefania Collodi

14-03-2018     Title: "Group Decision Making: experimental recipes" - Type: State of the Art - Author: Dr. Andrea Menconi

07-03-2018     Title: "Deindividuation" - Type: State of the Art - Author: Dr.ssa Viola Filindassi

28-02-2018     Title: "Reputational Systems in virtual environment" - Type: Original Research - Author: Dr. Mirko Duradoni

21-02-2018     Title: "A brand new classification for online social networks: development of a factorial model of SNS" - Type: Original Research - Author: Dr.ssa Chiara Tremolanti

14-02-2018     Title: "Deindividuation and Cognitive Dissonance" - Type: Research Idea - Author: Dr.ssa Martina La Gamma

07-02-2018     Title: "Online Radicalization" - Type: Original Research- Author: Dr.ssa Eleonora Coleschi

17-01-2018     Title: "Online Social Identity Salience" - Type: State of the art- Author: Dr.ssa Silvia Grasso

13-12-2017     Title: "Sociophysics of epidemic risk modeling" - Type: State of the art- Author: Prof. Franco Bagnoli

06-12-2017     Title: "Frontiers of on-line reputation dynamics" - Type: State of the art- Author: Dr. Mirko Duradoni

29-11-2017     Title: "Digital Conformism" - Type: State of the art- Author: Dr.ssa Sara Panerati

21-11-2017     Title: "The Collective Intelligence: new results" - Type: State of the art- Author: Dr. Enrico Imbimbo

14-11-2017     Title: "Face recognition and sentiment analysis" - Type: State of the art- Author:  Prof. Leonardo Bocchi

07-11-2017     Title: "Pedagogia digitale: una ricetta operativa" - Type: State of the art- Author:  Prof. Andrea Guazzini

31-10-2017     Title: "Facilitazione Sociale Online" - Type: State of the art- Author:  Dott. Giuseppe Graziano Procopio